Any of you know anybody that lacks common sense? Any of your family members? Anyone admit you lack common sense?
This message is based on Ecc. 10 - into 11. a series of wisdom sayings, such as Ecc. 11:1: “Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later.” You know what it means without me elaborating. Wise sayings are common sense living. Ecc. 10:8: “Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake.” That’s true! Years ago when my parents bought the property where my mother lives, the old house on the place had no foundation… In one of the great experiences of my childhood, Tim VandenBos and I tore down that house from the bottom up, removing windows, walls. I’ll never forget we broke through one wall, just like the wisdom saying said, only it wasn’t a snake, it was a mouse nest. 4-5 mice went scurrying every which way trying to find a hiding place, when one of the mice zipped right up Tim’s pant legs. Funniest thing I ever saw! “Whoever breaks through a wall may have a mouse run up their pant leg! Obviously the sayings are representative and apply to millions of situations.
Here is the point: Solomon writes down his Spirit inspired words of Ecclesiastes because there is a disconnect in his life. That which he sought so hard to accomplish in his life proves to not be satisfying. There is a disconnect when he observes the wicked get earthly rewards and the righteous suffer. The transitions of life weigh heavily as we move through the changes/seasons of life, having to let go of the comfortable past and move into the uncertain future. There is a disconnect as Solomon notices each of us has a natural yearning for eternity, yet we are bound by this world’s order. The theme verse of this series, READ Ecc. 3:11. Even as we yearn for eternity, we are wired to desire this life as we know it NOW. There’s the disconnect, because this life is difficult at times. We are like a dying man standing with a foot in two worlds… Living with common sense is a way to reconnect the two worlds.
An example of not so common sense. This fits into the category:“what were they thinking?” “John” and “Candice” wanted a unique name for their baby, so they decided to combine their own names and named her “Johndice”…. imagine naming your child in what sounds like a disease. …
Common sense is a gift of God. Solomon, the author of Ecc., when faced with a dilemma as King, did not ask for victory, did not ask for defeat of the enemy, but asked for the ability to lead; God gave him wisdom: “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be” (1 Kings 3:11-12). Wisdom is a gift.
It’s easy to think if only God will provide a miracle all will be right. I believe in the miraculous… but God first offers us wisdom. And we don’t always like wisdom because common sense is hard, being responsible, doing the right thing. Peter Pan is a hero because we don’t want to grow up either! Common sense is a gift of God, not glamorous like a miracle, you have to quit feeling sorry for yourself, get rid of the victim mentality, and do what you know is right. God’s design is for us to use our brain…
Make this the prayer of the week: Lord, give me Common Sense. Lord give me clarity of mind. Help me weigh the options before me and do what is right.
A few observations about common sense…
Common sense is about the small things, the details of life… READ Ecc. 10:1. Dead flies. A bit of sin doesn’t really hurt when nobody is looking? Uh-huh!
I saw one friend post on Facebook recently that God could fix all his problems in a millisecond. He was kind of snarly at God and called God an ogre for not setting everything right by snapping his fingers. As an outsider, I think this person could get the chaos of his life under control by using common sense. Even if God were to snap his fingers and put everything back together, in my opinion, without an attitude adjustment, he’d be right back in the same mess within a month. The answer is far less dramatic, he needs to pay attention to the small things and make good decisions, sticking to what he knows is right and true, paying attention to the “fly in the ointment.” Wisdom, common sense is about the small things…
Pay attention to the details. I am not a mechanic, but to save money, I used to change our own oil in the car. I was always proud every time I did the job. One time I thought I did pretty well. A few days later I saw oil splattered here and there in the garage. I forgot to put the cap back on the engine and the oil splattered out whenever I drove the car. A fly in the ointment. Pay attention to the details. Go the extra mile. I know a man that did not graduate from college because he did not finish one language class ~ too hard for him… so he quit… a fly in the ointment…
Common sense means thoughtful, ordered, life is not arbitrary. Ecc. 11:3 says whatever way a tree falls, there it lies. Obvious? Sure, so why do people stick their hand in the fire. Why do people not turn in their homework and expect to pass. The obvious is stated because we need to hear it. Stay up late at night and you’re tired in the morning…
Ecc. 10:18: “if a man is lazy the rafters sag” about keeping things up… if you don’t get the oil changed in your car regularly… there are a million applications… if you don’t eat right… if you go 50 mph through Sumas… apply it to your spiritual life… if you completely neglect the disciplines of the spiritual life ~ Bible reading, prayer, mediation, gathering with other Christians…
Common sense is thoughtful, ordered, the obvious observations of life…
Common sense doesn’t mean one size fits all, not a cookie cutter world… Ecc. 10:9: “When you work in a quarry, stones might fall and crush you.” That is true, it’s always true. This is just a call to be realistic. We still need people to work in quarries. Common sense simply means be cautious and be prepared. And it may not be for everyone. All police officer families know that everyday there is an inherent danger because police officers have a built in risk. Common sense tells you to be prepared. Being a police officer is not for everyone. Common sense isn’t saying what to do, it is saying evaluate the risk of whatever it is that you do. Sally and I accepted 30 years ago meant being called away sometimes at a moments notice. It’s part of the deal. What good would it do to fight the reality of what it means to be a pastor of a church in America. Be real, be honest, acknowledging the situation…
Being unrealistic can be fun: The mother says to the young daughter, quit pulling the cat’s tail. The daughter says, “I’m not pulling the cat’s tail, I’m just holding on. The cat’s doing the pulling!” When things go bad, we quickly blame others. Common sense says be realistic. Be truthful. If you hang around friends that tempt you to compromise your own values and you give in, whose fault is it? The Cat’s fault for pulling! No, it’s your fault. You hammer out rocks in a quarry and you may have one fall on you. You flirt with bad decisions and it’s your fault for putting yourself in those situations...
Common sense means doing what is right always even if it doesn’t seem like an advantage right now. READ Ecc. 11:1. Give generously whether you can see the benefits or not, because you will benefit!
One more observation about Common Sense -- the most important truth. This is why common sense is not so common. In order to live with common sense, you need the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. // Common sense is not of your own creation, even if you can figure out what is right, doing it is another matter: you need God to inspire you, to bring clarity to your mind, to find direction. Ecc. 11:5 is getting at this truth: READ in NLT: “God’s ways are as hard to discern as the pathways of the wind, and as mysterious as a tiny baby being formed in a mother’s womb!”
Common sense is not common at all, without God you have no grounding, no purpose, no means to fully understand what is right and what is wrong. God gives you purpose and ability, through his spirit, through the “still small voice of God” you can find common sense, or rather, common sense will find you! Add that to your prayer: “Lord, bless me with common sense so that I will have the knowledge and courage to do that which is right.”
Did you know in the Bible languages, “wind” and “spirit” are the same word? It makes sense to translate Ecc. 11:5 as “God’s ways are as hard to discern as the pathways of the SPIRIT.” Invite the Spirit of God to dwell within, to guide, to convict, to lead. Common sense comes directly from God guiding you in the small things of life, giving you an ordered and thoughtful life, personalizing the direction of your life, doing the right thing even when the payoff is not immediate. Common sense comes through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps the best answer of all as to how we gain common sense is found in the second half of Ecc. 11:5: “God’s ways… are as mysterious as a tiny baby being formed in a mother’s womb.” If the development of a child in a mother’s womb does not amaze you, then you are one tough nut! Tell me anything more amazing. I am so amazed by creation. The one biggest minus in living in the City of Nooksack is that we are too close to the foothills and I must leave the city to see Mt. Baker. Mt. Baker, Mt. Ranier are my personal examples of being in awe, I have been up close to see the crevasses, the glaciers, the power of the steam vent near the top of Mt. Baker. But it’s ok I can’t see Baker everyday, because the truth is that if I want a reminder of how amazing God is, all I have to do is look at my own hand and wiggle the fingers…
How do you gain common sense? Simple. Be in awe of God. More amazing than my hands, more amazing than Mt. Baker, even more amazing than a baby forming in the womb. Be in awe of God. Full of Awe. God will guide you giving you common sense, knowing what is right and wrong and which choice that makes the most sense for your life. Be in awe of God, yearn for the eternity he promises us, the fullness of the Lord, and Jesus Christ will lead you through a common sense walk of this world so that you will have a connectedness with this world and the world to come. Be amazed by God! Amen.