I received a note yesterday from a woman named Gini. She responded to a 10 year old sermon on the website, “People Can Change.” Gini’s note is a reminder of why we are a church: “I came across this article while searching for a word from God this morning. My mom is dying in a nursing home and my family is fighting amongst themselves. Brothers who loved each other now hate each other and their wives. God led me to this! My life has changed since knowing Jesus and now I pray for change in my family. There is hope and I have faith! God is faithful.”
We are working our way through Acts and the story of the early church, how the people of God transition from Jesus Christ on earth to the resurrected Jesus in heaven and the followers of Christ guided by the Holy Spirit. This story of Peter and Cornelius is the challenge of the gospel reaching across cultures. The AXE of the Holy Spirit is a challenge to them/us to go forward in ways we’ve never done before, to go places we never thought possible, to believe in the power of the gospel to change lives, to love and believe in those who we never imagined could be reached. The outline of this message is a W-O-R-L-D… lesson of Peter and Cornelius: how to make a WORLD of difference.
One of my favorite titles for people who put their faith in Jesus Christ is people of The Way. [The Way] is a lesser known designation for people of faith which did not stick… you heard it last Sunday when Chad spoke about the amazing life transformation that took place with Paul and us… READ Acts 9:1-2. If my quick search is correct, only 2 more references of The Way in the Bible, both Acts 24, refer to Christians as followers of the Way (Acts 24:14, 22) Paul speaking in Acts 24:14 READ.
The Way did not stick as a title, but it’s a beautiful title ~ a way of life, emphasizes the transformation Chad spoke of last Sunday… Everything changes, live a new way, think a new way, new values, new habits, a new life of service and purpose. |
Carl Crouse, Pastor
At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. Categories
June 2021