Today’s message explores the third and final of the “omni” attributes of God. Omni means ALL. Comprehensive. Complete.
- Omniscience means God knows everything there is to know about everything.
- Omnipotence means he has all power to do all things.
- Omnipresence, theme of today’s message, means he is everywhere at all times.
Isaiah 57:15 describes God’s Omnipresence in a simple way as well as any scripture. READ. God is high and lifted up ~ the God of the heavens, whose footstool is the earth, God is far and above us in everyway, yet he is personal, he is here among us, he is in my life, he is near. You can see both… we can sing songs of the Majesty of Christ, as high as the heavens beside songs such as, What a Friend we have in Jesus. He is both because the Lord is Almighty residing in the heavens, but he is near he is here!