10/17/2018 God's Imperfect Family: Judah and Tamar (Character Studies from Jesus' Genealogy in Matt. 1) ~ Pastor Carl CrouseRead Now
Jesus is born into an imperfect family! Sermons this Fall from Jesus genealogy in Matt. 1…. Today, Judah… a rough character. However, Judah is broken and redeemed by God! Many people want wholeness, they want change in their life, but instead of brokenness, they try to dig in their heels and do better…I heard about one woman in the community this week deep into drugs and she said all she needs is a week in a safe place away from drama and she’ll be fine…. Trying hard to be better never works. The God way to a new life is brokenness. Judah is a great sinner that is broken and transformed. Ecclesiastes 3:11 makes a wonderful caption for the Judah story: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
This is a service from 1992 (back when everything was recorded onto cassette) led by George and Beverly Teshera. Recently digitized, we are now making this available to anyone who is interested. On this particular Sunday, Geroge and Bev led the entire service, not just the sermon. Because of this, you get to hear George lead the announcement and prayer times and Bev lead singing (with, one assumes, Billie Van Diest on the organ). There are places where the audio was very quiet because the person speaking wasn't using a mic, so those were amplified so that the listener can hear them better. However, the process used amplifies the background static as well. The tape is broken up into five parts to make the files small enough to upload to the website. As a bonus, at the end of Part 5, there is an impromptu Q&A session that was not done using the mic but still picked up where George talks about the current political climate surrounding the then upcoming elections. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Nobody is perfect, except one, his name is Jesus…
But the family of Jesus is imperfect! In Matt. 1 is listed a genealogy of family members beginning with Abraham and ending with the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the imperfect family of Jesus Christ. Good thing because we sinners who have embraced Christ Jesus as the only way to find wholeness are also members of God’s family. This Fall the messages are select character studies from members of God’s imperfect family. If God can bless and use these crazy folks, then there is hope for us! Today: Isaac. Isaac is the joke of the Bible. Gen. 17 details the background to Isaac’s birth. His father Abraham had been promised by God his heirs would become a nation and all nations would be blessed. The problem is Abraham and Sarah were getting older and still no children. When an angel appeared to Abraham and Sarah and told them she was going to give birth to a son, this is the response: READ Gen. 18:11-15. She thought it was all a bad joke! Isaac means laughter. I like family history. What I really like, though, are stories. A name with no story doesn’t mean a lot to me… recently my mother decided to hand out her photo albums. Here’s one of the stories… put together by my grandmother, my father’s mother. Hazel’s father was Cecil Grant. (Pictures). He died in 1907 at the age of 25. Imagine that… this great grandparent of mine died 111 years ago. Here’s a bit of His Story…
Family stories are important… roots… where you came from… Chad and I have decided to preach a series of messages this Fall on the stories of Jesus family… the past generations, taken from the genealogy of Jesus in the book of Matthew. God’s imperfect Family. Many of the names are not just names, they are real people with stories, the stories lead to the birth of Jesus. In this photo book from my grandmother I can go back to the civil war… Jesus family history goes directly back to Abraham, in Matthew’s version, in Luke the family names go back to Adam... The series of messages between now and the end of the year are character studies/stories, real people. We know a ton about many of the characters in Jesus’ imperfect family, someday I imagine we’ll do a whole series on Abraham/David, for example, others are just a name only found lists. |
Carl Crouse, Pastor
At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. Categories
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