The last few weeks the sermons have been titled, perfect confidence and perfect forgiveness, looking to Jesus as the absolute standard. Today I could not go with the same sort of title because it is about how to overcome loneliness. I don’t believe Jesus was ever lonely in the negative sense, but he was alone and he was lonely in the sense of craving others to understand him, to know him… are there degrees of loneliness? Jesus worked to confront and overcome the loneliness! This message is about the aloneness Jesus faced, how he overcame loneliness thereby showing us how we overcome loneliness.
For sermon only skip to middle of video
Sometimes I joke I am the definition of “normal” so I can determine other peoples normalcy according to how much they deviate from the way I think or act…. In some ways, we all do that to some degree…Our normalcy as the standard should be questioned, but there is one who is the absolute standard by which we can measure our behavior and way of thinking. His name is Jesus. Jesus is perfect. He is the standard. What he does, the way he thinks, his responses in certain situations is the model of goodness and rightness.
The last few weeks the sermons have been titled, perfect confidence and perfect forgiveness, looking to Jesus as the absolute standard. Today I could not go with the same sort of title because it is about how to overcome loneliness. I don’t believe Jesus was ever lonely in the negative sense, but he was alone and he was lonely in the sense of craving others to understand him, to know him… are there degrees of loneliness? Jesus worked to confront and overcome the loneliness! This message is about the aloneness Jesus faced, how he overcame loneliness thereby showing us how we overcome loneliness.
The entire service is recorded ~ fast forward through first part if elect to listen to sermon only. It was an extraordinary day with many staying home because of the Corona Virus threat as well as high cold wind from the northeast.
On our sign are three powerful words: love, acceptance and Forgiveness. When we are living with God in eternity, 2/3 of those truths will be in heaven. Love is the primary treasure on this earth that will be presnet in perfection in heaven… Acceptance will be everyone’s experience… But no need for forgiveness because no sin ~ on this side of eternity, forgiveness is like a bridge allowing us to live with the Lord Jesus Christ in a suffering and sinful world. Forgiveness must be a way of life in order to see the Lord with more clarity and let go of the struggles of this old world.
How confident are you? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you often question your decisions? Do you second guess a lot? Do you wait for others to say what they think before you commit? Are you swayed by the crowd? it depends on the situation, but we each have a measure in our head of our tendencies…
The deeper questions: How confident are you… in your salvation? …in Christ to guide you daily? … that Jesus loves you no matter what? … to stand firm in your faith when tempted? If this message helps even one of you move the needle of living with confidence in Christ it is more than worthwhile… On this side of eternity, confidence is on a scale. Balanced confidence has a measure of humility & assurance! |
Carl Crouse, Pastor
At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. Categories
June 2021