Many years ago a girl hit her head when she dove into a swimming pool. Joni Ericson Toda describes her first distressing realization of the grim reality of her paralysis. Joni’s journey of faith has been an inspiration to a generation. Joni was only 15 when she was permanently paralyzed from the neck down. She was rushed to the hospital for extensive tests and x-rays to determine the extent of her injury. She writes in her book, Joni, that as she lay unclothed on a hospital cart, the sheet covering her slipped to the side leaving her partially exposed. In her modesty, Joni desperately wanted to cover herself, a small task easily and quickly accomplished before her accident. But now, as much as she wanted to make her arms and hands move, they simply would not respond. Joni knew in her mind exactly what she wanted to do, but her body was totally unresponsive.
What is it about finger pointing that is so frustrating? What is it about finger pointing that is so tempting? What is it about finger pointing that is so wrong? The message of the Bible is don’t point fingers, but look inward. As you look at today’s scripture, notice how often Paul uses the word “I.” “I” “me” or “my” -- I counted a full 35 times. Paul is saying, this is what I am like, I am at fault, this is my nature. I read one person’s opinion that the #1 reason why people don’t come to church is because////they don’t feel good enough. They feel like they are too bad and the people at church are better than they are… they don’t feel like they can measure up… A doctor, an architect, and a lawyer were arguing over who had the oldest profession. The doctor said, "the first operation was performed on Adam, so the medical profession is the oldest." "No," said the architect, "Architectural planning and design was needed to create the earth and the universe out of chaos, so I represent the oldest profession." The lawyer chimed in: "Where do you think the chaos came from?"
“Chaos” is one of the results of “sin – the uneasiness, out of balance, the guilt, the internal and external tension. The goal of the life of a Christian is peace, peace with God, peace with others, peace with yourself, I believe a strong argument can be made that the key idea in the entire book of Romans is PEACE. Rom. 5:1. chaos vs. peace. The search for peace. Peace in family relationships. Peace in the community. Peace in your heart. If there is one gift this I want to see this church pass on to others, it is the peace of God. Is this what your heart/mind/soul is like: (Rip sheet in two)… Confusion. Uncertainty. Torn apart. Here is what you need to know about living the spiritual life: You don’t fully live until you die. Until a person is completely broken, God cannot resurrect them. The upshot of this entire scripture is moving towards the truth expressed in Rom. 8:11. Resurrection. Death and life. The promise of a resurrection is not a one time event that will happen someday, it is a promise of a quality of life beginning today, a God ordained life, a victorious life, a spirit filled life. While we wait for the fullness of the resurrection life, we are torn, a foot in two worlds… Perhaps you can relate to the yearnings of the domesticated goose, well fed and happy in the barnyard, never wanting for grain and abundance. A flock of wild geese flies by overhead honking in rhythm, and the barnyard goose looks up, yearning for the freedom, makes a half hearted attempt to flap his wings knowing he’ll never be able to gain lift with his full body from the abundance of food and lack of flight. Torn by something greater, to be able to take flight, but grounded by the life of temptation, overindulgence. To be torn, knowing what is better, to take flight with the Lord, but stuck on the ground…take flight. Die to the old so that your spirit can take flight… |
Carl Crouse, Pastor
At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. Categories
June 2021