So what’s the answer? Sometimes the accusation is true…The answer is to change the idea of what it means to have fun. I like the word Peace; I like the thought of searching for meaning in life. I know I have a lot of fun in the process. The person who is trying to find a life of fun through parties and proclaims Christianity is boring is probably saying more about themselves than about Christianity! They are trying to convince themselves they are on the right track!
A common question: How come being a Christian means having no fun? Here is one person’s pronouncement: Christianity spells monotony. I feel like being a Christian means not enjoying life. No premarital sex, partying, enjoying Sundays, making dirty jokes, cursing, or having any fun in general. Every Christian I've ever talked to is so monotonous and God-fearing, it's hard to be around them... Why can't they just let loose and have fun? It seems like you can't even have fun in the afterlife… I’m convinced…sounds like a lot of fun to take up cursing!
So what’s the answer? Sometimes the accusation is true…The answer is to change the idea of what it means to have fun. I like the word Peace; I like the thought of searching for meaning in life. I know I have a lot of fun in the process. The person who is trying to find a life of fun through parties and proclaims Christianity is boring is probably saying more about themselves than about Christianity! They are trying to convince themselves they are on the right track!
A 104 year-old woman was being interviewed by a Christian reporter. The reporter asked, Is it easier or more difficult to live the Christian life the older you get. The lady thought for a second and said, “Well, there is less peer pressure!” This woman has a point. Today the subject is stumbling blocks. If you think certain practices are fine, but your behavior might cause some people to question their faith, then take the more conservative route and join in solidarity with those folks. Lose the argument for the sake of your friend’s faith. Don’t be a stumbling block. In the case of the 104 year old woman, if she has been a rock solid Christian for decades, there are likely few stumbling blocks that could threaten her faith. I think I’m like the 104 year old woman! I see all sorts of people do all sorts of crazy things in the name of Christ and even though I don’t get it, there are few stumbling blocks to me! Just because I disagree with you, that does not make it a stumbling block. It is only a stumbling block if our behavior causes another person to be shaky in their faith. Christians Often Disagree With Each Other. On secondary issues this is wise advice: agree to disagree. Rom. 14:19 is a key verse: “…make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification.”
I am proud growing up in this church ~ we have done our best to leave wiggle room for the non-essential teachings of the Christian faith…. many examples: Paul says in this chapter meat eaters and vegetarians ought to get along, clearly a principle of agreeing to disagree over non-essential issues. Here is an incomplete list I found of some of the things Christians have disagreed on over the decades: Movies, Interracial Marriage, Hairstyles, Seeker Services, Politics, Smoking, Borrowing Money, Fishing on Sunday, Divorce & Remarriage, Women Ushers, Pipe Organs, Rush Limbaugh, Men Wearing Beards, Drinking Wine, Women Wearing Jewelry, Raising Children, Faith-Promise Giving, Dating Standards, Pledging, Liberal Churches, Christian Psychology, Mode of Baptism, Worship Style, Timing of the Rapture, School Choice, Age of the Earth, Birth Control. Anyone remember the name of the evil organization Maxwell Smart was always fighting in the old TV show, “Get Smart”? [KAOS] Disorder, confusion, tension, fighting common. There is an old joke about three professionals who were arguing about whose profession is the oldest. The Doctor is the first to speak: “the Bible says God took a rib out of Adam to make woman. Since that clearly required surgery, then the oldest profession is surely medicine.” The Engineer shakes his head and replies, “No, no. The Bible also says God created the world out of void and chaos. To do that, God must surely have been an engineer. Therefore, Engineering is the oldest profession.” The politician smiles smugly and says with confidence: “And who do you think created Chaos?” Confusion, tension, fighting has been around a long time….I have come to believe that for our day/ in this time/ the most important word in the book of Romans is PEACE. Peace to overcome tension. Do you know LuLu? if she spots my van coming towards her as she is walking down the road, she ALWAYS [gives me the peace sign], if she spots me across the Sumas RV Park she’ll get my attention and [give me the peace sign]. I call LuLu the earth lady. She keeps saying I call her a hippie…. She has captured the message of Romans: PEACE. |
Carl Crouse, Pastor
At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. Categories
June 2021