Information on the mission pages will be updated throughout the year so come back another time to check it out.
Explore mission work supported by SACC on links below:
Advent Christian Mission Work Child Evangelism Fellowship Ron & Beth Moe (IBT) Phil & Sarah Baer (Wycliffe) Steve Cadd (SWORD) New Way Ministries Phil DuFrene (Port of Hope) Skookum Kids Steve & Sandy Frieswick (AIM) More MIssions Pray for world wide missions. Use these pages as a prayer guide to pray more specifically for missionaries and the work of mission agencies. |
World Missions is part of the DNA of the Sumas Advent Christian Church. For over 100 years the church has prayed for missionaries around the world and donated funds to help the work of the spread of the gospel to all people across the globe. Explore on this page and sub-pages an overview of the missionaries we support. Our biggest emphasis is to give to Advent Christian missions. As a denomination we have a work in about 26 countries around the world. Our church has also chosen to support individual missionaries and mission work, some local and others in other countries.
We believe in world missions because we believe the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19-20). God's love is vast. His desire is for all people to have an opportunity to hear the Good News of salvation and respond to an invitation to become followers of Jesus Christ. The individual missionaries we support is budgeted in our yearly budget as part of the general fund. Once a year we also normally designate a Missions Month (in recent years it's been May, but with the coronal virus this year that will be changed) and receive a special missions offering. We also have a "Christmas in October" offering for Advent Christian missions. On these missions pages you'll find links, testimonies, stories, descriptions, newsletters and much more. Use these pages as an inspirational blessing, a prayer guide and simply to find out more information. Why Support Missions? by Phil Baer |